Become More Than Yourself

Arise, transcend thyself, become thyself.
Thou art man and the whole nature of man
is to become more than himself.

A Growing Greatness

Each is a greatness growing towards the heights,
Or from his inner centre oceans out.

There are greatnesses in our unseen parts
That wait their hour to step into life's front.

The First Necessity the first necessity,
that the individual, each individual,
shall discover the spirit,
the divine reality within him
and express that in all his being and living.

Draw Out the Best

Everyone has in him something divine,
something his own,
a chance of perfection and strength
in however small a sphere
which God offers him to take or refuse.
The task is to find it, develop it and use it.
The chief aim of education
should be to help the growing soul
to draw out that in itself which is best
and make it perfect for a noble use.

The Goal is To Be Light

Let all thyself be light.
This is thy goal.


To catch the boundless in a net of birth,
To cast the spirit into physical form,
To lend speech and thought to the Ineffable.


The mind is a light
which sees only the surface of things
or at most a little below the surface.

The mind does not record things as they are,
but as they appear to it.

The mind is a thing that dwells
in diffusion, in succession.

Mind is a knower of fractions
and a worker of divisions
striving to arrive at a sum.

The mind is not an instrument of knowledge
but an organizer of knowledge.

Mind is born from that
which is beyond mind.

Mind is a passage
not a culmination.

There are higher levels of mind
than any we now conceive
and to these we must one day reach.

Our imperfect mental instrumentation
is not the last word of our possibilities.

Our thought must be clear and ordered.
When this is done, we shall see, to our surprise,
that it has become creative.

A quiet mind does not mean 
that there will be no thoughts or mental movement at all,
but that these will be on the surface,
and you will feel your true being within,
separated from them, but observing but not carried away.

Even when it is strong and clear and dominant,
Mind, though it imposes a certain, a considerable mentalized harmony,
cannot integrate the whole being and nature.


Thought builds the universe.

Anything may be achieved by thought.

Our thought must be clear and ordered.
When this is done, we shall see, to our surprise,
that it has become creative.

Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause,
but it is an instrument for becoming.

Thought is only a scout and pioneer;
it can guide but not command or effectuate.

A thought is an arrow shot at the truth;
it can hit a point, but not cover the whole target.

Only those thoughts are true
the opposite of which is also true
in its own time and application.

There is no last certitude in which thought can pause.

Men burrow after little details of knowledge
and group them into bounded and ephemeral thought systems.

Systematise we must, but even in making and holding the system,
we should always keep firm hold on this truth
that all systems are in their nature transitory and incomplete.

The deepest things are those thought seizes not.


The action of our intellect
is primarily the function of our understanding,
but secondarily critical
and finally organizing, controlling and formative.

To have a developed intellect is always useful
if one can enlighten it from above and turn it to a divine use.

The intellect too exclusively developed
misses what the heart has to offer.

Intellect devoid of spirit can only pile up
external knowledge and machinery and efficiency.


All intuitive knowledge comes more of less directly
from the light of the self-aware spirit entering into the mind.

The intuitive mind is not yet the wide sunlight of Truth,
but a constant play of flashes of it.


Faith is a certitude in the soul
which does not depend on reasoning,
or this or that mental idea, on circumstance,
on this or that passing condition
of the mind or the vital or the body.

Faith is a spiritual certitude
of the spiritual, the divine, the soul's ideal,
something that clings to that even when it it not fulfilled in life,
even when the immediate facts
or the persistent circumstances seem to deny it.

Faith is the soul's witness
to something not yet manifested, achieved or realised,
but which the Knower within us,
even in the absence of all indications,
feels to be true or supremely worth following or achieving.


You have only to remain quiet and firm
in your following of the path
and your will to go on to the end.
If you do that circumstances will in the end
be obliged to shape themselves to your will,
because it will be the Divine Will in you.

There is no other way than to persevere.

One has to persevere until the light conquers.


To possess its world
is the nature of the infinite spirit
and the necessary urge in all being.

It is not possible really to possess
what is not-self to us.              

Wheeling Round the Sun

To rotate on its own axis
is not the one movement for the human soul.
There is also its wheeling round the Sun
of an inexhaustible illumination.


All imperfection is the first condition of a greater perfection
in the manifesting of a hidden divinity.

Our imperfection is a sign of a transitional state,
a growth not yet completed,
an effort that is finding its way.


The fall of man from a great height
does not prove that he never reached a great height.

Stillness of Mind

Not only a truer knowledge,
but a greater power
comes to one in the quietude and silence of a mind,
that, instead of bubbling on the surface,
can go to its own depths and listen.

Only when the mind is thus entirely still,
like clear motionless and level water,
in a perfect purity and peace of the whole being
and the soul transcends thought,
can the Self...manifest itself in the pure essence of our being.

When the mind is silent there is peace
and in the peace all the things that are divine can come.

When there is not the mind,
there is the Self which is greater than the mind.


By having patience under all kinds of pressure
you lay the foundations of peace.

To feel the peace above and about your head is a first step;
you have to get connected with it and it must descend into you
and fill your mind and life and body and surround you so that you live in it.

The quiet consciousness of peace you now have in the mind
must become not only calm but wide.

Peace is a deep quietude where no disturbance can come -
a quietude with a sense of established security and release.

If the peace or silence is once absolutely established,
no amount of movements on the surface can impair or abolish it.
It can bear all the movements of the universe and yet be the same.

The True Self is Peace

It is in the peace behind...
that you must learn to live and feel it to be yourself.
You must regard the rest as not your real self,
but only a flux of changing
or recurring movements on the surface
which are sure to go as the true self emerges.

Higher Consciousness

The higher consciousness is a concentrated consciousness...
not dispersed and rushing about after this or that
mental idea or vital desire or physical need
as is the ordinary human consciousness -
also not invaded by a hundred haphazard thoughts, feelings and impulses,
but master of itself, centered and harmonious.

The Malady of the World

The malady of the world
is that the individual cannot find his real soul.


The world will trouble you
so long as any part of you belongs to the world.
It is only if you belong entirely to the Divine
that you can become free.

Empty Vessel

To be an empty vessel is a very good thing
if one knows how to make use of the emptiness.

Leave Behind Past Selves

One has continually to leave behind
his past selves.

Turn to Light Not Darkness

Turn your eyes more to the coming light
and less to any immediate darkness.

The Key

Our life is a paradox with God for key.

Always we bear in us a magic key
concealed in life's hermetic envelope.

We may find when all the rest has failed
Hid in ourselves the key of perfect change.


The key to mastery is always silence at all levels,
because in the silence we discern the vibrations
and to discern them is to be able to capture them.


 Delight is the nature of consciousness,
and of the acme of delight
love is the key and the secret.

Delight is the secret.
Learn of pure delight
and thou shalt learn of God.

Love is the power and passion
of the divine self-delight.

Turn All Things to Honey

Turn all things to honey;
this is the law of divine being.

Where All Was Love and Light

Wrong could not come
where all was love and light.

Two Beings in a Single Self

There are two beings in my single self.
A Godhead watches Nature from behind
At play in front with a brilliant surface elf,
A time-born creature with a human mind.

A Play of Forces

Each man is a field of many forces.

All life is the play of universal forces.
The individual gives personal form to the universal forces,
but he can choose whether he shall respond or not
to the action of a particular force.

Spiritual Evolution Has Many Stages

In the evolution of the spiritual man
there must necessarily be many stages
and in each stage a great variety of individual formations
of the being, the consciousness, the life,
the temperament, the ideas, the character.

What the Spirit Sees

What the spirit sees creates a truth
And what the soul imagines is made a world.


Our outward happenings have their seed within.

In myself is the seed of all my creation.

The Soul Gathers Experience

The soul gathers the essence
of all our mental, vital and bodily experience
and assimilates it for farther evolution of our existence in Nature.


Everybody is an amalgamation 
not of two, but of many personalities.

Integration means a harmonization
of the conflicting parts of the personality
brought about by the control and the working of a higher principle;
a transformation more or less complete
so as to admit of a total changed working of the whole being and nature.

In his self-integration the soul of the individual
must awaken to universality and to transcendence.


Our true completeness comes
not by describing wider circles on the plane where we began,
but by transcendence.

Subtle Continuity

In Nature in the infinite scale of being
there are no wide gulfs,
no abrupt chasms to be overleaped,
but a melting of one thing into another,
a subtle continuity.

True Vision

It is only when one looks from above
in a consciousness clear of ego
that one sees all sides of a thing
and also their real worth.

The highest and widest seeing is the wisest.

Release of Consciousness

When consciousness is released 
from the thousands of mental, vital, physical vibrations in which it is buried,
there is joy.

Limits Disappear

The limits of ego, personal mind and body disappear
and one becomes aware of a cosmic vastness.

It is not that the ego, the body, the personal mind disappear,
but one feels them as only a small part of oneself.

Circle Without Circumference

No more shut in by body's walls and gates,
Her being a circle without circumference.

All That We Are

All that we internally are is not ego,
but consciousness, soul or spirit.
All that we externally are and do is not ego but Nature.


A suggestion is not one's own thought or feeling
but a thought or feeling that comes from outside, from others,
from the general atmosphere or from external Nature, -
if it is received, it sticks and acts on the being
and is taken to be one's own thought or feeling.
If it is recognised as a suggestion,
then it can be more easily got rid of.


All energies put into activity - thought, speech, feeling, act -
go to constitute karma.
These things help to develop the nature in one direction or another,
and the nature and its actions and reactions
produce their consequences inward and outward:
they also act on others
and create movements in the general sum of forces
which can return on oneself sooner or later.

Empty the Contents

The consciousness is often like a vessel
which has to be emptied of its mixed or undesirable contents;
it has to be kept vacant for a while
till it can be filled with things new and true, right and pure.
The only thing to be avoided
is the refilling of the cup with the old turbid contents.

The Truth of Spirit

Spiritual truth is a truth of the spirit,
not a truth of the intellect,
not a mathematical theorem or a logical formula.
It is a truth of the Infinite, one in an infinite diversity,
and it can assume an infinite variety of aspects and formations.

Truth of the Spirit
has not to be merely thought but to be lived,
and to live it demands a unified single-mindedness of the being.

The Truth in You

There is only one truth in you
on which you have to lay constant hold,
the truth of your divine possibilities
and the call of the higher Light to your nature.

Because it is the truth of your being,
that is what you should express in your life.

Be true to your true self always -
that is the real sincerity.

Speak the Truth Alone

One must learn to speak the truth alone
if one is to succeed truly in changing the nature.


 We demand of knowledge that it shall unite.

The knowledge that unites is the knowledge.

The knowledge that divides
must always be a partial knowing
good for certain practical purposes.

The central aim of knowledge is the recovery of the Self,
of our true existence.

The knowledge of the Self
includes also the knowledge of the principles of Being,
its fundmental modes
and its relations with the principles of the phenomenal universe.

Psychological self-knowledge is only the experience
of the modes of the Self,
it is not the realization of the Self in its pure being.

True knowledge is to know with your inner being.

By identity alone can complete and real knowledge exist.

Become and live the knowledge thou hast;
then is thy knowledge the living God within thee.

Self-knowledge and world-knowledge must be made one
in an all-ensphering knowledge of the Brahman.

Knowledge is not complete without works.

Knowledge is the foundation of a constant living in the Divine.

The Divine is the Sun of Knowledge.


The contact of the human and individual consciousness
with the Divine is the very essence of yoga.

Yoga is the founding of all life and consciousness
in the Divine.

Sincerity in yoga means response to the Divine alone.

The practice of Yoga brings us face to face
with the extraordinary complexity of our own being,
the stimulating but also embarrassing multiplicity of our personality,
the rich endless confusion of Nature.

It is part of the foundation of Yoga
to become conscious of the great complexity of our nature,
see the different forces that move it
and get over it a control of directing knowledge.

The whole method of yoga is psychological;
it must almost be termed the consummate practice
of a perfect psychological knowledge.

Yoga is nothing but practical psychology.

The Cross is in Yoga
the symbol of the soul and nature in their strong and perfect union.

All life is a yoga of Nature.


The Sun is the symbol of the concentrated light of Truth.

Sunlight is the light of the Truth itself -
whatever power of Truth it may be -
which the other lights derive from the Truth.

To enter into the rays of the Sun
is to be no longer merely lit by it,
but in one's own conscious being
to begin to be part of the Truth.

The Sun is the concentration or source of the Light.


The best expenditure of energy
is that which flows easily without effort at all.

No Such Thing as Impossibility

There is not such thing as impossibility -
there are difficulties and things of longue haleine,
but no impossibles.
What one is determined fixedly to do will get done now or later -
it becomes possible.

What I cannot do now
is the sign of what I shall do hereafter.
The sense of impossibility
is the beginning of all possibilities.

The direct power of mind-force or life-force
upon Matter can be extended
to an almost illimitable degree.

All can be done if the God-touch is there.

Things Future Are Already Accomplished

Things future are already accomplished
to knowledge and vision on higher planes of mind.

From the Soul State

Thou thinkest the ascetic in his cave or on his mountaintop
a stone and a do-nothing?
What dost thou know?
He may be filling the world with the mighty currents of his will
and changing it by the pressure of his soul-state.

That which the liberated sees in his soul on its mountaintops,
heroes and prophets spring up in the material world
to proclaim and accomplish.


It is even possible to become wholly conscious in sleep
from beginning to end
or over long stretches of our dream experience;
then we are aware of ourselves
passing from state after state of consciousness
to a brief period of dreamless rest,
which is the true restorer of the energies of the waking nature,
and then returning by the same way to the waking consciousness.

It is true that for a long time
I have not slept in the usual sense of the word.
That is to say,
at no time do I fall into the inconscience
which is the sign of ordinary sleep.
But I do give my body the rest it needs, that is,
two or three hours of lying down in a condition of absolute immobility
in which the whole being, mental, psychic, vital and physical,
enters into a complete state of rest
made of perfect peace, absolute silence and total immobility
while the conscience remains perfectly awake;
or else I enter into an internal activity of one or more states of being,
an activity which constitutes the occult work
and which, needless to say, is also perfectly conscious.
So I can say, in all truth,
that I never lose consciousness throughout the twenty-four hours,
which thus form an unbroken sequence,
and that I no longer experience ordinary sleep,
while I still give my body the rest that it needs.

Sleep changes into an inner mode of consciousness
in which the sadhana (spiritual practice)
can continue as much as in the waking state,
and at the same time one is able to enter
into other planes of consciousness than the physical
and command an immense range of informative and utilisable experience.


Music deepens the emotions
and harmonises them with each other.

Love is the key-note,
Joy is the music,
Power is the strain,
Knowledge is the performer, the infinite
All is the composer and audience.

Art and Beauty

Art is nothing less in its fundamental truth
than the aspect of beauty of the Divine manifestation.

The highest aim of the aesthetic being
is to find the Divine through beauty;
the highest Art is that which by an inspired use
of significant and interpretative form
unseals the door of the Spirit.

In the physical world, of all things
it is beauty which best expresses the Divine.
The physical world is the world of form
and the perfection of form is beauty.

Without perfect love there cannot be perfect beauty
and without perfect beauty there cannot be perfect delight.

All art should be...
a thing of harmony and joy and illumination.

Physical Things Have Consciousness

It is very true that physical things have a consciousness within them -
which feels and responds to care
and is sensitive to careless touch and rough handling.
To know or feel that and learn to be careful of them
is a great progress of consciousness.

There is a consciousness in each physical thing
with which one can communicate.

The Lotus

The significance of the lotus is not to be found
by analyzing the secrets of the mud from which it grows here;
its secret is to be found
in the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms in the Light above.


Nirvana is nothing but the peace and freedom of the Spirit
which can exist in itself,
be there world or no world, world-order and world-disorder.

The Birth of a New World

Remember that you are at an exceptional hour in a unique epoch,
that you have this great happiness, this invaluable privilege,
of being present at the birth of a new world.

Spirit and Nature as One

Reconstitute the perfect word, unite
the Alpha and Omega in one sound;
then shall the Spirit and Nature be at one.

Spirit Shall Look Out Through Matter's Gaze

The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze
And matter shall reveal the Spirit's face.
Then man and superman shall be at one
And all the earth become a single life.