Thought builds the universe.
Anything may be achieved by thought.
Our thought must be clear and ordered.
When this is done, we shall see, to our surprise,
that it has become creative.
Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause,
but it is an instrument for becoming.
Thought is only a scout and pioneer;
it can guide but not command or effectuate.
A thought is an arrow shot at the truth;
it can hit a point, but not cover the whole target.
Only those thoughts are true
the opposite of which is also true
in its own time and application.
There is no last certitude in which thought can pause.
Men burrow after little details of knowledge
and group them into bounded and ephemeral thought systems.
Systematise we must, but even in making and holding the system,
we should always keep firm hold on this truth
that all systems are in their nature transitory and incomplete.
The deepest things are those thought seizes not.